
Bruce Hayden vs William Arthur Winser
Hastings 1947/48 Minor tournament (1948), Hastings ENG
Polish Opening: Zukertort System (A04)
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. b4 d5 3. Bb2 Bf5 4. g3 e6 5. a3 Nbd7 6. Bg2 Bd6
7. O-O c6 8. d3 Qe7 9. Nbd2 e5 10. Re1 Nb6 11. c4 Bc7 12. cxd5
cxd5 13. e4 dxe4 14. dxe4 Bd7 15. Rc1 Ba4 16. Qe2 O-O 17. Bh3
Rfd8 18. Nh4 g6 19. Ndf3 Bd6 20. Qe3 Bc6 21. Qh6 Bxe4 22. Ng5
Bc6 23. f4 Qc7 24. Nf5 Bf8 25. Bxe5 Qd7 26. Bxf6 Bxh6
27. Nxh6+ Kf8 28. Nxh7#

One Comment

  1. "And in this position, he sacrificed… THE QUEEEEN!!!"

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