FIDE World Championship Match – Game 5

Commentators: GM Daniil Dubov and GM Irina Krush

The historical pinnacle of the FIDE World Championship Cycle, the World Championship Match decides who is going to reign the chess world for the next two years. The champion is determined in 14 games and a tiebreak in case of a tie. Who will be the next World Chess Champion — Ian Nepomniachtchi or Ding Liren? Join us from Astana, Kazakhstan.

#NepoDing #FIDEchess


  1. What minds you both have. I have learned a huge amount from the combination. If any human can consistently win against a "machine" (lol) it would be Dubov. And Irina, you are a model of poise which I guess is a characteristic of a champion. I do not understand Dubov's issues with the terms "engine" or "computer". I guess he's just teasing — especially since he is out-calculating the machine and rightly focusing on positional aspects w.r.t. which a machine has no insights really.

  2. I wish I could see you guys together having your variation discussions on a real board.

  3. 43:00 I'm waiting for a first joke by Daniil …Makes a good straight man for Irina.

  4. Funny it's such a horrible bad bishop and yet only one pawn on its color.

  5. Eval bar? Ugh. Guess i'll go find a different stream. FIDE catering to the viewers who are too lazy to use their brains.

  6. FIDE is helping Nepomniachtchi with a computer and the FIDE president steals money from the federation and takes bribes.
    Nepomniachtchi, Nakamura and Carlsen have bribed other players in the past like Carlsen to Nepomniachtchi in the last World Cup.
    Nepomniachtchi, Nakamura and Carlsen and Nodirbek Abdusattórov have used computers in different tournaments.

  7. I'm not sure what is worse between the bogus line suggestions and the constant response of "mmhmm". How was this Irina character chosen to commentate anything, let alone a gig that I would pay to do? Poor Vishy and Daniil, who both did great jobs!

  8. Ноутбук Ноутбукович says:

    Кто выиграл

  9. Fantastic game, a masterpiece. Great match so far, we are very fortunate to have two great players playing such excellent chess!
    Oh, and one more thing…to those "streamers" that did not have what it takes to make it here…

    we literally don't care what you think. 😀

  10. О боже мой! Дайте уже Дину переводчика, смотреть больно.

  11. Клементий Вселодович says:

    когда играет русский , а по русски не комментируют (жиза маза фака)

  12. "Chess is not for the faint of heart!" – Irving Chernev

  13. Why doesn't FIDE hire a translator so that ding can be comfortable and give the interview in Chinese ?
    I feel like it's like torture for him to do this in English

  14. Ding Chilling has ice in his veins 🥶
    What's that? Oh, he was just choking again?

  15. Universe gave Irina chance to choose two from three options: beauty, strong chess mind and classy sleek hairdo.

  16. – Ian, during the openning stage you constantly were looking at Ding
    – After the rest day I really missed him
    What a funny lovely story, big resepct between players

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