This is a Horde speed (bullet) chess tournament (Beatty Arena) I competed in on lichess while livestreaming on . Time controls are 2 minutes per player.
Yeah I find it a MILLION times easier and more comfortable to play with an actual PC, keyboard and mouse. After getting used to playing with those features it’s a huge drag to play on mobile or iPad imo.
Please have more Horde Speed chess like this one. It's very exciting to watch. I'm not a good chess player but I love watching your video almost every day. Thank you for creating such an exciting content.
15:14 guy had those big brain plays. he was like "he's wants me to take that queen… he's never going to expect me to let him keep it! get predicted son!"
5 seconds from 3rd XP
12:50 Berserk mode pawn push activated xD
I was rooting for that last game to end so bad. You were off by less than 5 seconds
That premove at 22:32 Hahahhahahahah omg jerry
thanx for clarifying you were making a Pawn Push
“I’m getting so squeeeeeezed!”
I just played my first game with pawns, and it is definitely easier until the endgame
How come he is the one playing and I am the one getting brain-hurt !?
Pawn push? I don't know, maybe a pawn push instead. Actually you know what? I think I'll pawn push.
12:20 Blaufasan the guy at number 3 is the one that got you.
Yeah I find it a MILLION times easier and more comfortable to play with an actual PC, keyboard and mouse. After getting used to playing with those features it’s a huge drag to play on mobile or iPad imo.
22:35 Jerry, why you premove pawn takes e5? Your knight is not even challenged 😀
Please have more Horde Speed chess like this one. It's very exciting to watch. I'm not a good chess player but I love watching your video almost every day. Thank you for creating such an exciting content.
very satisfying to watch
I think, in that bad position, it was better to push the g pawn… 🙂
Zerg Chess
Are you allowed to enpassant in horde?
Inch by inch:p
Try queen horde lmao
His pawns are sweaty
Knights weak
Queen's spaghetti
HAHAHA. "Let's see how my opponent deals with this!".
Jerry, I want you to do a deep analysis of your position at 8:16!
He wants to be the pawns but black is still better if you play it well I think.
Jerry please make more Horde Chess videos! I love it
Why does the time was of 2min why not for 5 minutes
I like how an IM got 40th. Get rekt dude
One shot for every time he says "pawn push"
I find it really funny that you always say it's easier playing with the pawns, and yet it seems like you have much better results with the pieces. xD
"pawn push?" o really a pawn push while playing white in horde? holy sh*t I thought you were going to play your pawn backwards or something!
10/10 commentary 😀
what a mean jεrk
15:14 guy had those big brain plays. he was like "he's wants me to take that queen… he's never going to expect me to let him keep it! get predicted son!"
Last game you could fun around making 13 queens before mating.
A lot of sucks in this games 😀
Is this the French Revolution?
Go Jerry!
I really enjoy watching you play these variants.
Nice play, CN
funny. i find black easier than white. And first 3 games. "hard" black 2 win, "easy" white runs out of time basically and loses 😀
23,50 – the queen can get one lastrower …thats already the end
2:35 its so much easier to play with the pawns. Then he loses with the pawns ahhah 12:18 oooh they got all my pawns ahhaha
"I want to play with the pawns!" … 1 minute later: "I'm completely lost"
23:47 could have taken on d1
Wins with pieces.. but I want pawwwwwnss. Loses with pawns ..
23:48 Qxd1!
I just started playing this.I love it
Piss off you need to lose you dumbass
15:37 noone would be crazy enough to attempt this right? Right?
[Variant "Horde"]
1. a5 b6 2. axb6 c6 3. bxc6 d6 4. cxd6 f6 5. gxf6 g6 6. fxg6 h6 7. g5 e6 8. f5 e5 9. dxe5 h5 10. g4 Qd7 11. cxd7+ Kd8 12. bxa7 Rh7 13. gxh5 Ne7 14. dxe7+ Kc7 15. exf8=Q Kc6 16. d8=Q Rh8 17. Qxh8 Nd7 18. b5+ Kc5 19. Qdg8 Bb7 20. b4+ Kb6 21. d4 Rb8 22. c5+ Kc7 23. b6+ Kc6 24. e6 Nf8 25. e5 Kd5 26. Qgh7 Kc4 27. e7 Bc6 28. e8=Q Bb7 29. a8=Q Kd5 30. c6 Nd7 31. c7 Kc6 32. c4 Rc8 33. c5 Kd5 34. e4+ Kc4 35. e3 Rd8 36. c3 Kd3 37. c4 Nb8 38. c8=Q Rd7 39. Qeg8 Rc7 40. Qcf8 Rc6 41. Qa7 Ba6 42. Qag7 Bb7 43. c3 Na6 44. b3 Nb8 45. d5 Rc7 46. b2 Na6 47. c6 Nb8 48. c5 Na6 49. b5 Nb8 50. b4 Kc4 51. d4 Kd3 52. d2 Kc2 53. f7 Kd1 54. Qe7 Na6 55. f8=Q Kc1 56. Qgf6 Kc2 57. Qgf7 Kc1 58. g7 Kc2 59. g8=Q Kc1 60. g6 Kc2 61. Qhh6 Kc1 62. Qgh7 Kc2 63. g7 Kc1 64. g8=Q Kc2 65. g4 Kc1 66. g5 Kc2 67. g6 Kc1 68. g7 Kc2 69. Q8e8 Kc1 70. Qgf8 Kc2 71. g8=Q Rc8 72. c7 Ba8 73. b7 Kc1 74. b8=Q Bb7 75. c6 Nc5 76. d3 Nb3 77. e2 Nd2 78. d6 Ba6 79. b6 Bb5 80. d5 Bc4 81. d4 Bd3 82. d7 Bc2 83. d8=Q Kd1 84. Qf6g7 Kc1 85. Qef6 Kd1 86. Qf6g6 Kc1 87. e6 Kd1 88. e7 Kc1 89. Qed7 Kd1 90. e8=Q Kc1 91. Qb7 Ra8 92. b5 Ra4 93. Qa7 Kd1 94. b7 Kc1 95. b6 Kd1 96. b4 Kc1 97. b5 Rb4 98. b8=Q Rb2 99. a4 Kd1 100. c8=Q Kc1 101. a3 Kd1 102. a2 Kc1 103. c7 Kb1 104. Qcb7 Kc1 105. c8=Q Kb1 106. Qbc6 Kc1 107. b7 Kb1 108. Qbc7 Kc1 109. b8=Q Kb1 110. b6 Kc1 111. b7 Kb1 112. Qba8 Kc1 113. b8=Q Kd1 114. f6 Kc1 115. d6 Kd1 116. Qde6 Kc1 117. Qf7e7 Kd1 118. Qe5 Kc1 119. Qdd7 Kd1 120. Qde6 Kc1 121. d7 Kd1 122. d8=Q Kc1 123. f7 Kd1 124. Qe7d6 Kc1 125. Qfe7 Kd1 126. f8=Q Kc1 127. a5 Kd1 128. a6 Kc1 129. Qab6 Kd1 130. Qab7 Kc1 131. a7 Kd1 132. a8=Q Kc1 133. Qhg5 Kd1 134. Qg6f5 Kc1 135. Qhg6 Kd1 136. h6 Kc1 137. Qg7f6 Kd1 138. Qhg7 Kc1 139. h7 Kd1 140. h8=Q Kc1 141. Qg7f7 Kd1 142. Qhg7 Kc1 143. h5 Kd1 144. h6 Kc1 145. h7 Kd1 146. h8=Q Kc1 147. a4 Kd1 148. a5 Kc1 149. a6 Kd1 150. a7 Kc1 151. Qbb5 Kd1 152. Qb7b6 Kc1 153. Qab7 Kd1 154. a8=Q Kc1 155. a4 Kd1 156. a5 Kc1 157. a6 Kd1 158. a7 Kc1 159. Qcd5 Kd1 160. Qb7c6 Kc1 161. Qab7 Kd1 162. a8=Q Kc1 163. h4 Kd1 164. h5 Kc1 165. h4 Kd1 166. h6 Kc1 167. h7 Kd1 168. Q7h6 Kc1 169. Qh8g7 Kd1 170. h8=Q Kc1 171. Qhh5 Kd1 172. Qhg4 Kc1 173. h5 Kd1 174. h6 Kc1 175. h7 Kd1 176. Q7h6 Kc1 177. Qh8g7 Kd1 178. h8=Q Kc1 179. Qhh2 Kb1 180. Qhg3 Kc1 181. Qhh2 Kb1 182. Qhg2 Kc1 183. h3 Kb1 184. h4 Kc1 185. h5 Kb1 186. h6 Kc1 187. h7 Kb1 188. h8=Q Kc1 189. Qgh1 Kb1 190. Qgh2 Kc1 191. Qgh3 Kb1 192. Qgh4 Kc1 193. Qgh5 Kb1 194. Qgh6 Kc1 195. Qgh7 Kb1 196. g3 Kc1 197. g4 Kb1 198. g5 Kc1 199. g6 Kb1 200. g7 Kc1 201. g8=Q Kb1 202. Qdc4 Kc1 203. Qdc5 Kb1 204. d5 Kc1 205. d6 Kb1 206. d7 Kc1 207. Qf6g5 Kb1 208. Qf7g6 Kc1 209. Q7f6 Kb1 210. Qde7 Kc1 211. d8=Q Kb1 212. Qfg4 Kc1 213. Qf6g7 Kb1 214. Qff4 Kc1 215. Qfg3 Kb1 216. f4 Kc1 217. f5 Kb1 218. f4 Kc1 219. Q1g2 Kb1 220. f3 Kc1 221. f6 Kb1 222. f7 Kc1 223. f8=Q Kb1 224. Qe7d6 Kc1 225. Qfe7 Kb1 226. f5 Kc1 227. f6 Kb1 228. f4 Kc1 229. f5 Kb1 230. f7 Kc1 231. f8=Q Kb1 232. Qe7d7 Kc1 233. Qfe7 Kb1 234. f6 Kc1 235. f7 Kb1 236. f8=Q Kc1 237. Qca4 Kb1 238. Q4a7 Kc1 239. Q6a6 Kb1 240. Qba5 Kc1 241. Qc6b6 Kb1 242. Qcb5 Kc1 243. Qec5 Kb1 244. Qd6c6 Kc1 245. Qed5 Kb1 246. Qed6 Kc1 247. Qaa4 Kb1 248. Qbb4 Kc1 249. Qcc4 Kb1 250. Qdd4 Kc1 251. Qef7 Kb1 252. e5 Kc1 253. e6 Kb1 254. e7 Kc1 255. e8=Q Kb1 256. Qc4b5 Kc1 257. Qcf3 Kb1 258. Qcc5 Kc1 259. Qcf5 Kb1 260. Qd7e6 Kc1 261. Qcd7 Kb1 262. c4 Kc1 263. c5 Kb1 264. c6 Kc1 265. c7 Kb1 266. c8=Q Kc1 267. Qed5 Kb1 268. Qd7c6 Kc1 269. Qed7 Kb1 270. Qd7c7 Kc1 271. e4 Kb1 272. e5 Kc1 273. e4 Kb1 274. e6 Kc1 275. e5 Kb1 276. e7 Kc1 277. e8=Q Kb1 278. Qed7 Kc1 279. e6 Kb1 280. e7 Kc1 281. e8=Q
I have no life
It's 2022 and I still watch this masterpiece