knight is more than u think 🤔😱😎 can u spot the mate for white ?😱#shortsfeed

knight is more than u think 🤔😱😎 can u spot the mate for white ?😱#shortsfeed
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  1. But when the black move the queen, if there isn't any check of the white, blacks can do Queen a1. There is a check, then the white have to sacrifice the queen and the rook. But is chekmate

  2. Permainan ini sudah selesai tak dapat di tawar

  3. Şah ve mat olmaz
    Dİleyim siyah vezir atı yedi. Beyaz vezir kaçış hamlesi yapmak zorunda. Eğer siyah veziri yer ise, siyahta beyaz veziri yer ki bu hamleden sonra mat etmesi imkansızlaşır. Eğer siyah vezir atı yedikten sonra beyaz vezir kale arkasına kaçarsa bu kez beyazlar şah önündeki piyonu açar ve yine kaçar. Mantıksız bir oyanış bu hamle beyazlara daha fazla taş kaybettirir

  4. 1.Nh6+, if Qxh6 2.Rxf8+, Kxf8 3.Qd8#

    1.Nh6+, if Kh8 2.Rxf8#

  5. 99% people did not understood KNight is checking now king has no option but to move and then its mate in one rook takes black night

  6. Jesus loves you and accepting him into your lives will get you to heaven

  7. Untuk yg tidak paham, pion G7 tidak dapat mengambil kesatria karna di paku oleh ratu putih, cara hitam menyelamatkan rajanya yaitu dengan cara raja hitam pergi ke petak g8 atau ratu hitam ambil kesatria, dan skakmat bagi putih dengan benteng ke petak F8

  8. Queen takes knight ruck takes knight king takes ruck and mate on d8 with queen

  9. Mate in two. Pretty easy. However, I wish that I could get positions like this in a real game. 😂

  10. Pilihan apapun tetap salah.

    1. Semisal raja pindah ke petak h8, benteng putih bakalan makan kuda di petak f8 (dan skak mat).

    2. Jikalau hitam memaksa biar tidak terjadi skak mat, maka menteri hitam bisa memakan kuda putih di petak h6 (karna ingat, pion g7 di pin oleh mentri putih ok). Simpel saja benteng putih langsung memakan kuda di petak f8 (skak raja hitam). Otomatis raja hitam harus memakan benteng putih yang ada di petak f8. Lalu apa yang di lakukan Putih teman2 ?!, yap benar… Menteri putih melangkah ke petak d8 dan terjadi skak mat…. 🎉🎉🎉

  11. After Qf6 X Kh6, Re8 X Bf8, then King g8 X Rf8,….punishment Qg5 – d8 check mate!
    or King g8 – h8, then R e8 X B f8, check mate!

  12. Black queen to a1 check white queen to c1 to block the check black queen takes the queen and gave acheck then rook to e1 to block the check then black takes the rook and mate for white

  13. What is black's last move? It looks silly for black to miss backrank mate

  14. Let's say black plqys defense. Black moves h8, rook f8 getting the knight and its checkmate.

    Lets say he doesnt play defrnse he plays offense. Black gets knight with queen h6, white queen d8, whatever black moves they cant get either, rook gets knight and its checkmate

  15. Black queen take night.
    White queen takes black queen.
    Black pawn takes white queen.
    That's it dude. 😂😂 How tf it's mate for anyone.

  16. Dude 😂😂 it isn't guaranteed win for anyone of the parties 😂😂 if you know to play then you can avoid the mate.

  17. Black queen h6 take knight.
    White queen take h6 black queen.
    No mate 😂😂

  18. White win the game when they move back our king cause they hit on knite & check mate

  19. Black king moves to H8 white rook take black knight at F8 and mate

  20. Queen take knight, rook take knight cheak king take rook and finally Queen D8

  21. Black queen kill knight then rook sacrifice by check then white queen d8 checkmate

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