Levy Tournament Round 3 | !sale !tournament !delay

Levy plays in Spilimbergo open in Italy


  1. In Russia a female chessplayer has been accused of poisoning her opponents pieces. You find more on ABC7.

  2. this was great. thank you, Arturs. You coached 50,000+ of us today. hell yeah, great job. Rest up and seeya for round 4.

  3. lichess gives levy 98% accuracy for this game

  4. Absloute trash 2 rounds you should have won both games and been in 3/3

  5. Awesome job today, Levy! β™₯ Loved the livestreams πŸ™‚ Looking forward to seeing you compete in the coming days – keep up the great work!!

  6. I think you have done a great job coach. Entertaining us for almost 9 hours talking non stop. Levy might have made draws but you definitely won our heart coach. Love to see you again

  7. Thank you Arturs for the amazing commentary ❀

  8. He was bound to have a rough tournament. Looks like this is the one; sucks but you learn more from rough roads than cruising.

  9. Fair play Arturs, very nice presentation πŸ‘

  10. Neiksans, do you think roizman can become a GM? Generally speaking of course, not in this tournament.

  11. These young kids make it so that you can’t even complain about the
    low seats. Shalk’s eyes are level with the top of the queen.

  12. Thank you Arturs, it was really a pleasure πŸ™‚
    Nice game and analysis

  13. So sad that levy make a draw I believe if Levy don t make that mistake in end game I think he gonna win this game

  14. This is the first one of these streams that I caught and watched for a little while. Was it ever explained why the video of the players was nearly 10 seconds behind the board? It was kind of annoying to watch.

  15. I watched 3 hours for a draw 😭😭😭

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