OMNIKNIGHT 3 in Auto Chess Tournament | Amaz 43 | Twitch Rivals

What a time to get good rolls! In the Twitch Rivals Tournament!
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#Autochess #auto #chess


  1. excuse me "daedalus" is pronounced "day-duh-luss" not "day-lee-yous" hahahaha for item

  2. u just got carried by RNG , freaking lucky !

  3. The clip a the begining just lit up my day

  4. Aaaaaah!!!! He misprounces so many things, again it’s not lyCAN, or however you said Daedalus, but of course I don’t think he ever played dota 2 before dota chess

  5. I lost like 7 rank in 3 match cause there was something important to do exactly on those 3 matches. Can't seem to catch a break.

  6. Auto-chess is like HS, but you don't get to choose your own deck

  7. Spent 10 mins of my break looping the first 25 secs of this vid. Very worth

  8. Whats the Music in the outro? The link in the description is the wrong one

  9. why would you name your channel amaz hearthstone when you are playing autochess. Thats kind of misleading

  10. Title should have been 'double doom/double disrupter FTW'

  11. How the hell did a Pawn 6 player get into this lobby?

  12. What’s the hotkey for seeing how much exp you still need for leveling?

  13. Amaz: o my god man I’m done with hearthstone it’ssss stupiddddd
    Amaz: I’m done with this game man only about luck
    plays a game completely surrounding RNG even more (if that is possible)

  14. we need a clip with the triple same reaction

  15. if you put out the same demon twice, will they debuff themselves or do they still count as 1 unit, just like for all the other synergies

  16. Wie kann ich eigentlich allen schreiben? bei mir steht immer nur allies 🙁 und da kann es dann keiner lesen^^

  17. what key did you use to open chess piece man

  18. i tot mid one is playing Autochess Omegalul !

  19. why wont the fucking game put me in a match? ive been queueing for 30 minutes, someone declines half the time and the other half of the time when everyone accepts it doesnt put me in the game???

  20. 39:43 i liked it when Dick Hammer's name changed to RIchard Hammer

  21. Brah if you want to go mechs you have to reroll there on round 4 xD

  22. did he managed to get all of that candies and couriers by just grinding?

  23. Watching him not upgrade the timbersaw for 3 rounds hurt me soul

  24. He sell techies (item crown) and he say weird unit drop item lol

  25. Weird that lich ult at the end bouncing to the units outside the board lmao

  26. dude, one game, I only got a single stout shield, don't call yourself unlucky, there is no contest xD

  27. why do you safe your Money up to 50 when you already reached lvl 10 ? i'd spend my Money on rerolling 😀

  28. How are u buying unit with no gold at the start

  29. Is there a reason why you sell right before you get new characters, or are you just that impatient, because that would solve alot of your problems. I mean I don't know how many times I've seen you get something you've been waiting for right after you sell something.

  30. honestly love to watch ur video if you just shut the fuck up. your voice so gay yet ur skillfull player

  31. If you want to improve your level and learn about auto chess games, try visiting your youtube channel, thanks.

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