You Won’t Believe How Calmly This 6 Year Old Plays Chess!

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  1. If a girl uses a queen rightly then it can easily checkmate her opposition

  2. Love how she pointed at the clock at the end😂…very impressive 👏🏼👍🏼

  3. Queen to f8 would have been checkmate at 4:50. White would win

  4. They do not trashtalk each other.
    I hope they will continue that way as they age.

  5. Well she has me beat I learned chess at 11 years old and I’m still bad at it

  6. at 5:58

    white rook should have been used instead queen to put the black king in check (imagining there is no bishop for counter attack)

  7. 0fggjfh5bfuchtg6ghfgggubfygcyjgyghgdhcfhcyj

  8. she missed the check mate at the end. she just as to move to queen over that was protected by the pawn CHECKMATE. but shes only 6 and I was impressed

  9. I dont like this video
    Every body

  10. Слабых соперников дают и радуються

  11. El joven juega mal en el inicio de apertura no se cambia un alfil y caballo por torre

  12. But after losing the queen he had a chance to take the opponent's queen by a trap and by a fork but he missed it

  13. Funny game with free pieces 😂😂

  14. her opponent gave a rook for two pieces and didnt take the knight on c3

  15. White : g3 Black : Q×g3+ white: Kh1 Black: Qg2 # , infortunately she didn’t see this mate in 2 but it was a good game ❤❤❤

  16. The error he made was when at the 11-second mark, White moved his Rook to K2 instead of f4, placing Black in check and capturing her Queen! How did he miss that?

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